From the darkness
Radio meditation by: Evangelist Sieberen Voordewind
Dear listener. You have experienced it already sometimes, that you walked on a sunny day in the street. If you stood with your back towards the sun, your shadow is in front of you. And every step you did was a step in the shadow. But... if you turned round and the sun was in front of you, than the sun was in back of you and every step you made was a step in the light.
What I want to say is:
Millions of people mentally walk in the darkness. They don't have inner quiet and peace. Their heart is empty. They have been as it were bound to chains of sin. Do you know what sin is? Sin is the disobedience to the Living God. Sin is when you say that you don't need the Lord Jesus. Sin is stealing, lying, deceiving, wrong thoughts, hating, disputing, to do someone grieve or pain etc. Oh maybe you ask: "BUT IF GOD EXISTS, WHY ARE THERE STILL WARS? Listen, if God took away all wars at this moment, than TOMORROW, however, there will be
someone who starts a quarrel and throw a bomb.
Perhaps you ask: "WHY IS THERE POVERTY IN THIS WORLD?" Listen: When God took care of the poverty, than there will be someone who thinks he has too little and steal it from someone else.
Yes, the Living God has created every person, you included, with a freeborn will. You have the choice whether or not to step out of the darkness. You have the freely choice whether or not to be a follower of Jesus Christ. My message is: "STEP OUT OF THE DARKNESS. DO NOT WALK IN THE DARKNESS, STEP INTO THE LIGHT. And Who is the true Light? The Bible says: "... Jesus ... said: "I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is life." John chapter 8 verse 12.
As long as you have the shadow BEHIND you on a sunny day, every step you make will be a step in sunny light. As long as you follow Jesus, the true Light, YOU NEVER MORE WALK IN DARKNESS! JESUS says: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. You have only one life to give. Stop to walk in darkness and come into the Light, out of shadow into sunlight. It's only one step you have to do. It is one step to turn round from the darkness to the light. Do it Now, not tomorrow. Come to Jesus as you are, ask Him forgiveness and let Him cleans you with It's beloved and precious Blood. Follow Jesus and you will never more walk in the darkness.
Gods rich bless. Amen!
(Translated by: Winny Hallatu)