The new anointing
Radio meditation and prayer by: Evangelist Sieberen Voordewind
Dear listener. It's phenomenal when you are baptized with the Holy Ghost. Unfortunately many Christians think that they are done with that. But I tell you: There is more. And if you desire to become more of Gods Spirit, then I have good news for you.
In the Old Testament of the Bible we can read what God said to Samuel: "Arise, anoint him (David), this is he. Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him (David) in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward."
1 Samuel 16:12-13.
David was anointed with oil and received the Holy Spirit. Was this one-off?No! After this awesome event David were put ointment with oil two more times and received Gods Spirit upon him.
In the Bible we can read that the disciples received the Holy Spirit while Jesus was still in this world. In John 20 verse 22 we can read: "And having said this, He (Jesus) breathed on them and said to them (the disciples), receive the Holy Spirit."
You would say: "That is sufficient." But there is more! The second time that they were filled with the Holy Spirit was on the day of Pentecost. The Bible says: "And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues (languages)."
Hallelujah! What a magnificent experience.
But was this all? No, there was more. In Acts 4:31 we read: "And when they had prayed, the place in which they were assembled was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit." Maybe you were also filled with the Holy Spirit once. I tell you: "There is more."The living God wants to give you more of His Spirit. All you have to do is: Surrender yourself for 100 % to God. Turn your back away from sins. Don't search for externalities such as events of Gods Spirit, but search God, Himself. Do not look for His miracles, but look upon the donor. With other words: Have constant contact with Him, the Living God wants to give you more of His Spirit.
Let's pray: "Mighty God and Father. In the name of Jesus Christ I come to you with all auditors, those who desire more of Your Spirit. Oh Lord, come at this moment with Your power, Your glory, Your holiness and Your anointing for all our listener. Fulfill my dear brother or sister again with Your Holy Spirit. Run through their life with Your presence. We thank You for Your mercy. Praise the Lord. Amen!"
(Translated by: Winny Hallatu)