The prayer of Asa

The prayer of Asa
Radio meditation and prayer by: Evangelist Sieberen Voordewind

Dear listener, in the Bible we can read the magnificent prayer of king Asa. In 2 Chronicles 14:11 we can read: "Then Asa cried to the Lord, His God and said: Oh Lord, there is none besides You to help, and it makes no difference to You whether the one You help is mighty or powerless. Help us,
Oh Lord our God! For we rely on You, and we go against this multitude in Your name. Oh Lord, You are our God; let no man prevail against You! What we learn are the following

Number 1: The prayer was not long, but short. It contains 57 words. The strength of a prayer is not in the length. The length of a prayer isn't important, but how righteous you are.
Number 2: The prayer was sincere. King Asa called to God.

Number 3: The prayer had been aimed to the living God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Number 4: Asa trusted God. He prayed: "For we rely on You." He didn't support on people. Not on an institution. He relies on the living God at who everything is possible.

Number 5: Asa asked God to help him. He asked: "Help us." Psalms 18:7 says: "In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried to my God; He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before Him, into His ears."

Number 6: The prayer was positive!

Number 7: Asa admit the unlimited strength of the living God. He prayed after all: "There is none besides You, to help the impotent." Yes, he praised what's impossible at people, is possible at God.

And then
Number 8: King Asa didn't think to its honor, but to the honor of God. He prayed: "let no man prevail against You."

Number 9: Asa prayed that he prepared a battle in the name of the Lord. Not in our name, but in the name of the Lord we are victor. And finally

Number 10: The prayer of king Asa was completely answered by God. How awesome. Magnificent prayer lessons! Let us in faith follow this example of prayer and watch out that our prayers, towards Gods holy wants, heard and it will be interrogated on Gods time.

(Translated by: Winny Hallatu)